Exercise and training program is a great tool to test preparedness and to show individual competencies and organizational capability. However, there are two other helpful tools: Assessments and Audits

Assessments and Audits are both  based on interviews with personnel in different levels of the organization and with different responsibilities within the response structure.

CCG has developed an Assessment Tool. It is a questionnaire designed to be completed in half a day by a group of people of a business unit knowledgeable on Emergency, Crisis and Continuity Management activity. This tool takes into account all of the elements that form the EC&C management system, as well as its standard. It also makes reference to the four fundamental pillars: prevention, preparation, response and recuperation.

The Auditing process carried out by CCG, is usually inserted within the Health, Security and Environment auditing process, and has explicit references to the functions’ disciplines. This auditing process is assessed by identifying the existence of gaps against the standard. 

The CCG Auditing Questionnaire fulfills standard audits process, and is also based on elements that make up the EC&C management system.